23 Aug 2022
Vinca’s standard parameters are hitting their goals.
We made it! Our latest Vinca Technologies metal recovery test results achieved over 99% Au + 95% Co & 95% Cu. Vinca’s standard parameters are hitting their goals.
The tests were conducted on a West African complex double refractory gold-cobalt-copper concentrate.
Vinca’s patented sustainable, non-toxic metal recovery IP success proves that its non-selective non-aqueous leaching of contained metals from refractory mineralisations is on track to meet its mission to become “the 3rd Force in Metallurgy”. Vinca recovers critical metals such as Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Co, Cu, Ni, Zn precious and base, unlocking value without hurting our Planet.
Vinca aspires to be the “technology of choice” for new precious polymetallic ore projects by 2030. Vinca delivers high metal recoveries in fast residence times and dry-inert-solid recyclable tailings, using a simple flow sheet. Improved social licence for metal extraction is firmly in our sights. We are ready to face the Future sustainably...